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Tu de ce calatoresti?

Fiecare dintre noi plecam la drum cu anumite asteptari. Fie ne dorim sa vedem locul visat inca din copilarie sau pur si simplu sa fim departe de casa, sa ne deconectam de grijile cotidiene si sa ne incarcam cu energia unui loc nou. Vrem sa privim Aurora Boreala sau un apus de soare in Santorini, sa ne bucuram de natura salbatică din Scotia si lista poate continua. Cate caractere, atatea

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Madrid, Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum | Level Two

The Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza in Madrid contains one of the world’s foremost and distinguished private art collections Acquired over two generations, the collection is directly linked to the names of Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza (1975-1947) and Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza (1921-2002). The Carmen Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection, which is also a permanent collection, contains more than 200 paintings from the 17th to the 20th century. Carmen Thyssen-Bornemisza began collecting works of art in 1987. Carmen, the

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Top 11 things to do in Scotland – part 2

If you’re thinking about Scotland and you don’t know what to start with, this guide will help you organize a trip U.K.’s northernmost country. More importantly, you’ll find places that you shouldn’t be missing while visiting Scotland. From castles and beautiful landscapes to fancy places, here is the ultimate Scotland travel guide Visit Blair Castle Most Scottish Castles are nowadays just remnants of grandiose architecture. Blair Castle is definitely not

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Top 11 things to do in Scotland – Part 1

If you’re thinking about Scotland and you don’t know what to start with, this guide will help you organize a trip U.K.’s northernmost country. More importantly, you’ll find places that you shouldn’t be missing while visiting Scotland. From castles and beautiful landscapes to fancy places, here is the ultimate Scotland travel guide Visit Edinburgh Castle Besides from being one of the top destinations in Europe, Edinburgh Castle is the most

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Must visit places in Italy. Part three – Southern Italy

If you wish to visit Puglia (Apulia), you should start by seeing the city of Bari and then visit other towns like Alberobello and Polignano a Mare. Trust me, you’ll have an unforgettable vacation if you chose to see this places. Here is a guide to what you can do in Southern Italy BARI Bari, the sun bathed city that provides visitors with all the vacation to do’s that they

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Must visit places in Italy. Part two – Central Italy

If you wish to visit some of Italy’s most representative cities and medieval towns, or wish to see magnificent Gothic buildings, the central part of the country has it all prepared for you. Pack your bag and get ready for a journey that will indulge all your senses FLORENCE My belief is that no other city in Italy can equal Florence. From history, art and architecture, to fashion museums and

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Must visit places in Italy. Part one – Northern Italy

Italy is by far the most beautiful country one can visit. Art, history, fashion, delicious food and wine, spectacular palaces and villas and the list can go on. Italy is prepared to satisfy everyone’s needs. Here is a list of some of the most beautiful places in Northern Italy PORTOFINO This fishing village is my favorite place in Italy. It’s small, chic and colorful. With lush and rich vegetation, Portofino

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Lost in museums

Ţi s-a întâmplat să te afli într-un loc din care nu ai mai vrea să pleci?Vorbesc despre acele locuri în care simţi că ai putea să te pierzi, pentru a afla la sfârşitul zilei că, de fapt, te-ai regăsit. Eu am simţit asta în diferite colţuri ale lumii, în special în muzee, motiv pentru care am decis să alcătuiesc o listă cu muzeele care m-au impresionat cel mai tare şi

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Fatima, Batalha, Nazare, Obidos. Oraşe din Portugalia de care o să te îndrăgosteşti

Te-ai gândit până acum care sunt elementele care contribuie la alegerea locului „perfect” pentru o vacanţă reuşită? După multe locuri vizitate şi vacanţe planificate, pot să îţi spun un mic secret: acest loc perfect nu există. În schimb, există locuri  pe care o să-ţi doreşti să le revezi. S-ar putea ca un loc căruia nu i-ai fi dat prea multă importanţă să devină „locul de suflet”. În timpul vacanţei în

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Cum se naste dorinta de a vizita o tara? Impactul vizual este cu siguranta definitoriu in alegerea unui loc pe care vrei sa il vizitezi. La un click distanta gasesti locuri de vis. Si sunt atat de multe! Ar fi mai usor daca ai avea in fata ta o harta geografica si ai pune degetul pe ea, lasandu-te ghidat de o forta aleatorie. Acum insa vreau sa va povestesc despre

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